Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am sitting down now, thinking about this blog, and for once- I am at a loss for words. I can’t believe it has been three months already. WOW. I remember getting my acceptance letter for TWC, and thinking to myself… “July 1st going to take forever to get here…” But July 1st came…And went. And so did the rest of the summer. If I go through everything that I have done and learned this summer, I would be writing forever, and you would never read this blog. So, I am going to try my best to keep this short and sweet.

Going to miss walking by this.

I came to TWC at the very last minute. I swear, I sent in my application on the very last day. I didn’t know what to expect, but I had nothing else planned for the summer, so I thought... “Why not?” But since the first day, this program has given me so many opportunities. We went to the Newseum three different times, and I never get sick of going there. I toured ABC News with ABC production coordinator Kimberly Berryman and also sat with Kimberly for an interview. I got “face-time” and asked legendary CBS correspondent Bob Schieffer a question on C-SPAN’s “Close-Up.” My class, Media, Ethics and the Movies, was held at the AP News Bureau and taught by an AP News Reporter. We went to The Capitol, the Pentagon and a Nationals’ game. I totally appreciate everything TWC did for us this summer, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Kaite and me inside the Capitol

I do not know about the other interns in TWC, but my internship placement fit me perfectly. Book Hill Partners was a perfect fit because..well, baseball!! Duh. I mean, come on, Alex Rodriguez wished me Happy Birthday! Can you say that? I worked for the only non-profit, anti-steroid foundation working with MLB in the world. And I stepped on a Major League field. I met and worked alongside ESPN reporter Bonnie Bernstein on a campaign for Under Armour to fight childhood obesity. And thanks to the connection of our Partners, we (the interns) went to this super exclusive roof-top party, where we got to dance with Nancy Pelosi. Most importantly, I learned to appreciate the world of Public Relations. I know that my heart is set on journalism, but I think it was great for me to learn how PR functions.

BHP Forever!!! Haha

The best part of this experience has to be living in Washington, D.C. I fell in love with the city from the very first minute. The goal is to reach New York City, and that will never change, but I am totally fine with making a “pit stop” in DC for a few years. Being a history minor, I was in heaven with all the monuments and museums, and to top it off--they were mostly ALL FREE! This summer was also the longest I have been away from home. A quick little secret about me… (I am a spoiled brat). So, taking care of me is usually not a daily activity at home. But, I did survive this summer on my own. I might even start cooking at home….maybe.

The girls I will miss the most--and the cupcakes.

I can’t even start to mention the places I went this summer, but I will try: The National Zoo, American History Museum, Natural History Museum, Ford’s Theatre, Arlington Cemetery, The Holocaust Museum, Capitol Hill, The White House, The Library of Congress, The National Achieves, Annapolis, Hershey Park, The National Cathedral, Union Station, National Portrait Gallery, The Newseum, Georgetown, Adams Morgan, Chinatown, Old Town, The Caribbean Festival, The Sir. Paul McCartney Concert, on a bike from Alexandria, VA to Reagan National Airport, the National Mall on July 4th, ALL the Monuments (twice or three times), and a weekend trip to NYC. Wow! I did a lot.

The best concert ever…period.

But I couldn’t have done it without help. The friends I made this summer are…I can’t even put into words what they mean to me. I am beyond grateful for meeting each and every one of them. They made everyday special and interesting. And the memories we shared will last us a lifetime--or at least until we see each other again. And we will see each other again. I want to thank them (and you know who you are) for making this summer one to never forget. I love you all.

Hmmm…What’s missing here??

Leli’s recommendation of the week: To anyone thinking about doing this program--Do it. You won’t regret it.

Well, this is it. Thanks to everyone who followed and commented on my blog this summer. I hope it helped you. It’s not good-bye, but see you later!

Sorry girls, I just had to…hehe

1 comment:

  1. Bahhhhh I miss you and D.C. SOOO freakin much! I can't believe how long it will be until we see each other again.
